Quality Control
Projects Quality Control
Quality Control
0n 29 January 2021, NLT started implementing a system of quality management based on a decision made by NLT’s Director-General, Mrs. Raja Ben Slama, referring to related Ministerial decisions and to international standards that recommend quality as an essential policy for all entities.
With this project, The Library strives to go beyond a stage where requested needs are addressed and users are satisfied to a stage where services and human resources are well allocated and, a stage of continuous improvement in the long run, turning the entity into a reference in the field of library science and providing more ways and means of written heritage conservation and valuation.
Detailed objectives
NLTendeavors to better organize the procedures it uses and mainstream transparency and integrity by addressing all the requirements of commonly used standards:
- Develop mechanisms to determine responsibilities;
- Develop new mechanisms to manage requests and employees;
- Develop mechanisms of self-assessment of employee and institutional capabilities and performance;
- Develop mechanisms to benefit from serious, creative, and diverse ideas and make sure they are in harmony when implemented;
- Develop mechanisms to improve work stress management;
- Train a team of dedicated auditors to improve and enhance services and procedures;
- Develop mechanisms to manage and address risks and mechanisms for preparedness to expected hazards;
- Develop mechanisms for time management (time period dedicated to effective work).
2- Phases of Project Implementation
- Part of the administrative and technical procedures have been documented using clear, accessible, and workable transactions.
- A code has been assigned to every document used and incoming request forms have been drafted;
- The duties of a number of employees have been defined and mechanisms were put in place to protect and support them (beneficiary)
- Some user-specific forms have been reviewed
- A number of risks have been identified based on transactions and procedures;
- Documenting the implementation of part of the organizational structure;
- Transactions targeting beneficiaries have been compiled, documented, and entered into the SICAD platform as part of the project aimed at reviewing all administrative procedures applicable to public administration users, as provided for in Decree 605 of 27 August 2020.
- NLT has started drafting the training and rehabilitation transaction and developing a timeframe for training employees in quality, professional safety, environmental protection, and risk management.
- NLT has started developing a strategy for performance assessment and providing mechanisms for compiling statistics and calculating ratios;
- NLT has compiled a list of a number of norms and applicable regulations and has reviewed the technical processes being used and turning them into approved references;
- We have started drafting NLT’s quality policy